"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
What a pretty family y'all are! I forget: one niece? One nephew? One sister? One b.i.l., I know, so there must just be one sister. And one momma, and one Wendy! And billions of cute fur babies...Tinker Belle has mad reindeer skillz!
As always, you look beautiful. You make me feel just the teeniest bit underdressed and undone, you know? :D But I still love you, always will!
Hope your junket to Finland goes extra super fantastically well! Bring us some snow! And be careful not to damage any good-looking Finns in the process!
Beautiful pics, beautiful family! Looks like ya'll had a wonderful time, oh, and I want me a Tinker Belle!!
Happy New Year, Wendy!
hey wendy!
lovely pics!
you are gorgeous!
have a fabulous and safe trip!!
OMGoodness! Is that a chocolate fountain on your table!!
*covets covets covets* =)
Lovely family, and lovely photos, 616!It looks like you all had a fabulous day. =)
Bon Voyage and safe travels, 616! I can't even begin to imagine how much you must be looking forward to hearing all that Finnish metal in it's own country. I left something on your previous post that would come in handy overthere, albeit not too stylish I'm afraid. ;)
I hope you have a fabulous time. Take care, and rock on. =)
Thanks for sharing pics of your family Christmas! The table looks like ours, with it all spread out for grazing! I love it!
You're on your way to Finland right now! How exciting! Have a GREAT time! Love you!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Wendy!
Amazing photographs Six. Christmas is always better in the bosom of the family.
I hope the travels are going well and that the trip is everything you hoped for and more.
Wishing you a brilliant 2009.
GS x
I was happy to see your post at Mayo's! I've thought of you so much and I miss you! Glad to hear you're having a great time! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Welcome home. I've missed you bunches!
Aw thanks Wendy sweetie. It stands for Certificate of the English Language Teaching Association (or something like that hahaha). It's run through Cambridge University.
These pics are fantastic. Looks like such fun. Wish I were there.
Just wanted to let you know I'm still around, and still thinking about you. I'm doing good, just thinking alot. Which may or may not be good...:).
I created a new blog, a little something different. :)
Love you,
MissT: You American hating itch with a capital B!
I'm just kidding. You are entitled to your opinion and I know you weren't talking about the hard working people of America (or any other country). I'm with you on politicians (as you know).
Are you packed yet? Besides that magnificient building, here's some of what's waiting for us:
I love you darling cos you get me. I hope your mum is still getting beter by the day.
Love you loads. xxxxx
Love you too wendy. You always know where to find me.
I'm here, there and everywhere. I shall look out for the wolf lover.
Hugs and snogs sweetie.
Oh sugarplum, I have to admit, I have never even see these pics before! Where have I've been? When you were posting those, I guess I was a bit occupied at the time to even notice them.
I'm really sorry. This is what happens when I don't visit blogs so often :/
I love them because they bring a sense of family spending time together during the holidays, and it is great to see many of your relatives taking part, including your fur babies. I miss Christmas already, ha.
I love the pictures!
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