Friday, November 14, 2008
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"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
Triston Anatole said...
Saw Andy V at a party today. He was looking for you. Gave him your Email and MS URL.
Your Welcome
November 9, 2008 6:12 PM
He carrys your email and MSurl around. Does the pervy fuck know them by memory. leave her alone sicko. FUCK OFF.
Awesome work wenwolf.
Beautiful stuff. ^_^
Thank you hun, you really are lovely.
It's difficult, it's confronting, but as you said, we do what we have to.
I really do love him so much, I'd do anything to make him happy.
And how are you hun?
xoxo cupcake
Howdy Loves!
So... do ya miss me? Cuz I miss you!! :( I will try to mail ya later tonight my dear! Had a hell of an ordeal with my phone comapany -and thus, my phone line, interent... all this last month! And then lost everything during the holiday weekened.. so no one to yell at about it! But then like magic it all came back the next Work day. Huh.. Was the some kind of sick joke? I really think so!
Anyway loves, just wanted to say howdy, lick ya and miss ya! And you will hear from me properly soon! Kudos on that brilliant family of yaz! Tell her we are all expecting cures and solitions to come out of her by this time next year!! ;P (Really!) I hope you are doing alrighty my loves. You hang in there. Am thinkin of ya!!
Kiss ya, <3l/d
ps! Just beautiful, once again! Thank you for sharing Wendy love!!
Hi, Wendy!
I see you've been busy! Your artwork is lovely!
I peeked in at our friend's... Lots of ugliness, as usual...
I've finally finished me boudoir, or how ever you spell it! Oh, Hell, my bedroom!
I made the duvet, bed skirt, curtains, and a throw pillow. I knew I had to get it finished before the entire family showed up on Thursday!
Now, I just have to spend the rest of the week cleaning the house! All my soap and lotion making stuff is strewn all over the downstairs, so that is going to take a while to get it straightened up and tucked away! I don't want any little ones getting into it!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Hey Wendy, how are you? These are just beautiful. I love your abstract work. The sea one is my favorite, but the fall leaves are great too.
Are you feeling better? You have been so sick and I'm worried about you, honey. Please, please take care of yourself. I know you have a lot going on, but you have to take care of you.
J. and I both are so grateful for you and your friendship. You are such a sweetheart, but with teeth!
You have to be better for your trip. I know you are going to have such a great time! And we want pictures and postcards!
Love you,
Hello L, Mya, Lewis, Cupcake, Anon (is that you fuffy?)
Thank you, all, for stopping by!
Cupcake: I know it must be very difficult for you and your family. Please know I'm keeping you, and them, in my thoughts! Thank you for the compliment on my work! *huge hug and smile*
Lewis: You KNOW I do!!!!! And, I miss Dave too! I hope you're well, Lewis. As always, thank you and I love ya, Lewis!
Mya: I'm so, so happy you're back! I just love that finger! Thank you, too, for the compliments on my work!!!! I'll talk to you soon!
L: I'm feeling a bit better, thank you. It's just been one thing after another since June! Well, what you gonna do? I'll just roll with it all. Sick, not sick... I'll roll! ;)
Afterall, I have rolled through alot worse.
Thanks, so much, for your care and concern. I hope you (and J) know how much it means to me!
Anon (who may or may not be fuffy): Thank you for looking out for me and for worrying about my privacy (and me), kind young sir! Or, maybe not so young, if you're not fuffy. Thank you, whomever you are. I feel all defended now!
WOW! It's kind of a nice feeling. I think I like it!
Hugs and Much Love,
Hi 616!
Sorry to hear you are being attacked by the dreaded lurgy again. You're having a bad run of germs at the moment, aren't you? Better now than later, though!
Ooh, these are new and intersting artworks! The sea does look very forbiding and treacherous, and just a little scary.
Hope your Thanksgiving meal goes well. It sounds like it will be a lovely full house. Hopefully someone will offer to prop you up. Or better still, takeover and make you sit down. =)
Take care.
Whoa, 616! Are you okay? I caught your comment about that malevolent bricked wall being all vicious with your car. No whiplash or anything, I hope?
On the positive side, at least you were at the right place for something like that to happen!
I'm pleased to see your sister's surgery went well. I should imagine she will be most uncomfortable for a while. Hmm, as she is unable to help you with Thanksgiving, owing to incapacitation, maybe her husband could be her proxy? =)
Good luck with the insurance company and the car repairs!
I wanted to say that I hope you have a great trip when you get to Finland and if you see Kimi Raikkonen, give him a huge snog from me ^_^
Yeah, damn theives.
So sorry about your camera too. They should chop their bollocks off when they catch em hahaha!
No new toyboy *sob sob* maybe I'll find one in a christmas cracker eh?
I would love to meet you in Finland. No cash though. I will be thinking of you though and I hope you have a fantastic time.
Hey, honey! How are you? E-mail coming your way today!
Love ya!
Hi Windy, i guess you thought i forgot you!
I miss our talks!
You are such a sweet person and dont think i dont see my name, cause i do when i stop bye.
Most of the time i just read to catch up on things going on.
So i would love it you would pass this on for me, im setting in an airport waiting on a flight so i dont have much time left.
For Mayos
Everyone i hope you have a happy and full holiday, full of smiles and laughs.
I have all my friends with me for Christmas and i wanted to include all of you, as each one of you i have grown to love and respect via this blog.
I know! I know! I'm actually saying something to the grate Mayo in the sky!
This blog in it self is a gift that just keeps on giving!
I know, that was not your intentions in the beginning, but over time it has molded and changed to form into this big house of friendship.
It has been trashed by parties, flooded by tears, filled with laughter and almost condemned by nasty anon termites biting away at the foundation and let's not forget the nasty smell of bullshit!
But it still survives!
And gos to show, a house built with a strong foundation can survive anything and be rebuilt.
So the only gift i have to give you for Christmas is a Thank you, but it's from my heart for all the friends i have here.
They have touched my soul and i may be just reading when i come here, but i am always with them in spirit, thanks to you!
Everyone else!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I am always checking in and trying to keep up!
Just don't ever forget me!
All my love!
My heart to yours
Hi sunshine!
What's this I read? You're sick again?! Gosh sweetie, I hope you come right soon.
I'm guessing, that if you are up to it, and even if you aren't, that you're going to be zooming around making sure everyone is sorted for christmas day.
Here's hoping you get some quiet time to yourself soon, and find the peace and tranquility to help you heal fully. That trip is going to ROCK!!
Happy Christmas Wendy!!
have a good one!
Merry Late Christmas, 616!!!!
Hope you had a great day with your family and furry friends.
Thank you for your lovely gift over at Ergo's! The company looks fine indeed. =)
Crikey, just thinking *ouch!*, you may even have left by now for your big trip. Thinking safe travel thoughts and wonderful experiences for your time away, and your safe return.
Rock on, babe!
Oh dear!
Sorry! I nearly forgot your gift!
It could possibly come in handy in the Far North. =)
Take care. =)
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