(original art by me)
I've been busy!
"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
beautiful drawings wendy!!!
i love them!
how are you doing? i haven't really caught up just saw you at the safe house and clicked your link!!
all good my end. same old, same old, but all fine!
anyway love to you and take care.
oh wow!!!
you did those???
they are brilliant!
How big are they? you should have them framed!!
you're one of the "love anons" at mayo's. and i'm certain the other one is tristan or mayo himself. and yea, i know you're gonna deny it. btw nice paintings.
Hello FASC, Ergo and Anon!!! Thank you all, so much!
FASC: I'm always so happy when you drop in! I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking! I hope you're well and I hope the academic stuff is progressing nicely!
Ergo: Yes, they are original Wendy's (who would, of course, be me). In other words: Yes, they're mine ;)
Brilliant? Well, THANK YOU, honeybunch!!!!
Anon: A big thank you to you as well!!!
Hugs and Love,
WOW Wendy-Woo! These are great! I really love the "Fears" one, and the others are wonderful too. I like the use of color, of the primary blue, red and yellow, with a few shades of secondary, and I really love abstract paintings. You are so talented, and such a sweetheart. Thank you for sharing these!
Love ya,
Oooo, pretty. Me likey!
Can I have the last one please?
You have an amazing talent, Wendy.
And you paint well too. ;D
Seriously, I love them all, but Day and Night are my very favorites. I love the contrasting shades in each painting, and the contrasting colors in the two together. I have a set of three photos (framed prints from W-M) that are of beach scenes. The biggest one is shot with a purple lens filter, and the two smaller ones are in orange and blue, respectively. Your paintings remind me of those photos.
Lovely work, my dear! *hugs and kisses*
Click my name, go on Click it. You know you want too... ;) I exist again! Are you excited?? ;p I hope you are having a grand time over at the VoodooFest! I am sick with envy! Please take lots of pics yea!?? And please be careful and take care of yourself -alrighty!??
Dave sends his love!! -Can you feel it? He'd rub it on your leg, if you were close enough....
I just had to say something naughty. Been too long yea? ;p I promise I will get back to ya soon, via mail. Am loaded down with work, costumes and issues! Ya, know -just the typical shit!! Love ya Wendy!! I hope you are good loves! Be well! And be careful! kiss -dez
Goddamm! I forgot to say how much I admired your art Wendy!! Forgive my shit manners!! Lordy!
-Just lovely pieces Wendy! I do love all the color and movement! Please keep sharing with us!
love ya! <333
(|'.'|) someone needs to come up with a wolf one. I like your art work.
That is odd why did I come up as an anon?
Hi 616.
Lovely to see you delving into your artistic side again.
I especially like A Day In The Sun and Tears Of A Clown. =)
OMG An uncensored version of Closer lurking behind a sweet little red rose?!? Glad you had a great time at the NIN concert. NIN look like the type of band that is even better live than their recordings.
*is very envious!*
See you around, Sunshine. =)
You're way better at computer art than I am! O_O
I definitely couldn't do that. What program did you use?
it's sweet that you two like each other so much. what i don't get is why you play love anons in public?
hey wendy!!
i love tears of a clown and the Halloween one! wow! i love them all but those 2 are my favs! you are very gifted!
all good with me. bizzy and all that! glad you had a brilliant time at Voodoo fest! now have i made that name up?? will go back and check!
yes i am right!
take care wendy!
Hi L, J, Mya, Lewis (and Dave), GS, Martha, Possum, Amy, FASC and anon!
Thank you, ladies (and camel) for stopping by and for the wonderful words about my art! I appreciate the support and encouragement so much!!! You all inspire me so much. I'm so happy ya'll like my latest "pieces".
J and L: Thank you, thank you, thank you! For... well, everything!
GS: I don't know if you saw my message at Mayo's. I told you to take it if you like it. It is yours! The only thing required, for it to be yours, is a printer! ;)
Amy: They're a blend of hand painted and digital art. First, I draw out the lines and paint the blocks (with acrylics). Once the paint has dried, I scan the painting onto my computer. Then, I use Arcsoft to manipulate the paintings. When I get them blended, twisted and altered to my satisfaction .... well, it's done then. That's when I frame, save and post them!
*huge smile for you for the compliment*
Mya: Thank you, love!!! I owe you an e-mail. I'm sorry I'm so late. I was voodoo~ed out this weekend!
Martha: I would love a wolf face!!!! We need to bride (or blackmail) someone into coming up with one. You know my faces always look like robot versions or deformed versions of the poor animals. I hope you're feeling and sleeping better!
Lewis: I shall click that link ASAP! I'm so happy you have a blog again!!!!!!! Tell Dave to come "CLOSER". I felt it a little; but, not nearly enough. ;) I love ya, Lewis (and Dave)!
Possum: I'm happy you like and I'm happy to be delving into my artistic side (again) too. I realized how much I missed it!
I'm also glad you found the uncensored "Closer". How can anyone not LOVE that? ;)
Did you get to see my videos from Voodoo yet? Dang camera man!
Does Trent look incredible with that short hair, or what? I never thought I would say that about a man. I'm usually one of the first to ask "why did he cut his hair" and pout about the cutting of said hair. But, it seems to suit Trent ~ perfectly! It proves there really IS a first time for everything! ;)
Now, Anon at 1:59 ~ I didn't say anything the first time because that one (possibly you) actually commented on my "pieces". This time, I have to ask:
"You two" who? Who are "you two"?
Thanks for saying I'm sweet!
Okay, I think I "caught" everyone. If I missed anyone, I will catch you tomorrow. I'll also visit you all ~ at your places ~ tomorrow! Be prepared. I don't really drink coffee and I take at least 3 teaspoons or cubes in my tea (iced or hot). ;)
Hugs and Much Love,
Psst....does anyone know how the heck to fix my clock here? It's not October 28, 2008 11:47 PM.
It's October 29, 2008 1:47 AM.
Good morning
I'm sorry this is such a hard day for you. I can't imagine a loss of that magnitude. I'm sorry you and your family had to endure that.
Hello 6 I am sorry about your brother.
wendy, i just read your story about your brother, and i'm so sorry. thank you for sharing such personal memories with us.
if you don't mind, i would like to add a greeting to your brother when i do my usual thing tomorrow night. i'll be setting out a small offering for my ancestors and beloved dead, that's all, nothing magical, just saying pagan prayers.
on a happier note, the artwork is gorgeous! i love the colors you use, and the shapes they take. they are very rich. :)
take care.
Hi 616,
Time is one of the many concepts I fail at, sorry. The only Time-Manipulator of Blogs I know of around these parts would be Mayo?!? Maybe you could ask him?
And hugs and strength today for you, your family and Ross. Your brother was a good man lost to soon. He has a wonderful legacy in his sweet loving sister.
*too - not 'to'
*is illiterate at 1amish!*
I hate those dreaded phone calls-there you are happy one second and then the phone call and life is never ever the same again.
I have had 2 of those calls-shocking.
My brother's anniversary is in November-it will be 13 years this year. His death too was unexpected. The funny thing is as much as I was in a shocked state for months after (thank God for shock)I can still remember entire conversations with my mother, sisters and his friends from that time.
The important thing is they are still loved and when my mother died I was somewhat comforted that, as I do believe in an afterlife, he was waiting for her.
Best thoughts to you and your family at this horrendously lonely time. Take very good care. Lots of love.
EB37 xxx
So what do ya say Wendy my honey?? Ya wanna love anon with me?? Pweeze? :(
Course, we'd have to let Dave squeeze into the comment box with us...on occasion. He's just one jealous little bitch sometimes... ;p
Love ya Wendy! You Behave!
Wow, those pics are amazing.
get you with all your talent eh? Me, jealous? Nah.
Well, just a little hahaha!
He called me "his little girl". I loved that! I think he still thought I was 16. I will miss Mr. R very much. :(
I think I love Mr R. I'm so glad he knew you. He died having good friends.
Hi Miss Wendy!
I do owe you a very sincere apology! Whilst stating firmly to BC that your traps had not yet been successful, I had remissly forgotten the time I was in fact ensnared!
*prostrates self at 616's feet and raises a peace offering*
And that's very exciting news about your trip! =)
Hello everyone! How are you all?
Once again, please forgive the horrible job I've been doing as hostess.
Thank you for the comments about my brother ~ here, there and elsewhere. It really does mean alot to me. The emotions around that time of year remain raw. Some years more raw than others. This was one of those years.
Thank you all for the support, kindess, love and friendship!
EB: I remember us talking about brothers, back in the early days. I'm so sorry for your loss, for you pain, too. I hope your year was/is a little less raw than mine.
Thank you EB!
MissT: I have missed you so much! I need to get my fluffy tail over to your place ~ to make a mess ~ again! Thank you for compliments on my "bits and pieces". That means much to me as well!
TJ: A very big THANK YOU to you as well!
Martha: You too!!!!
K: And you!
Possum: I DID catch you once, didn't I? Heck, I caught myself with those Nightwish photos! Who can blame us for getting caught? I mean.... just LOOK! ;)
Ummm.... yeah, I got caught with those last ones too! Once again, WHO CAN BLAME US? It's TRENT for goodness sakes!!!!!
There was no need to apologize. Having said that; your, very gracious and beautiful, peace offering is enthusiastically accepted!
*now I'm trapped in that light house*
I think I'll stay awhile! ;)
Okay, I must run. Thank you all for stopping in! I promise to be a much better hostess from now on.
Hugs and Much Love,
TA: I think Andy is an amazing bass player and I always had a great time hanging out with him. Thanks. It will be great to hear from him again. Now, please do as I asked months ago. Thank you.
Wendy thanks so much for the comment!
And your singing is always welcome :}
he is a special guy, and I appreciate him a lot too
It's not always perfect but we are a pretty good pair
We've learnt to appreciate each other a lot more through hardships over the years and it's lovely to be reminded with surprises like that ( I cook for him, he's not into getting flowers lol)
hope to get to chat again soon. I think I owe you an email which I promise I'll try and get to,, I finish up a couple of work days next week so I'll have some time again
I always love getting your smooches too!
Hello 6,
I loved those pictures you sent they were so beautiful. Amazing what you can find in nature sometime. And viking metal reminded me of an anime I was watching DMC. So I couldn't take it seriously.
Hello 6,
No job yet headaches got better. But I have had a few but nothing like what I was having. No snickerdoodles have been baked recently.
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