September 1, 2008 ~ Somewhere in Southeast Louisiana
These were too large to upload to blogger; but, they are good!
(Well, I've been told they are good.)
Hurricane Gustav Video #1
Sept. 1, 2008 ~ approx. 6:30 a.m.
Video shot from my front porch:
You may hear my neighbor's voice in this one. He was trying to convince me to go inside before I got knocked on my arse or a tree fell and knocked the power lines down.
I listen so well!
Hurricane Gustav Video #2
More from my front porch. Listen to the sounds of the wind:
Hurricane Gustav Video #3
View of my backyard. Sorry, radio is playing and Tinker Belle sneezed!
Hurricane Gustav Video #4
More from the front porch:
Hurricane Gustav Video #5
Brought to you from my side yard (formerly my big veggie garden area).
Must start working on new gazebo soon.
View of more pines, oaks, rain and rooftops:
Hurricane Gustav Video #6 and #7
Darkness falls ~ for an entire week.
Post Hurricane Gustav
My neighborhood at night for one week.
Narrated by yours truly, me:
^How's that for a southern/cajun/creole/coonass accent?^
*waves to WWL Newscaster Juan Kincaid*
Great chatting with you at the gas station on Highway 51, Mr. Kincaid.
Thanks for the compliment on my pink hat.
Keep smiling that beautiful smile!!!
Your videographer:

Girl, please!
I just poked in at Mayo's - Just to see if there was any word of YOU! And there you are!
Mya!!!! Yes, I am still alive and I miss you so much! I'm supposed to be working on some pictures. Shhh....don't tell anyone I'm not working! ;)
Do I totally rock that special hurricane gear up there or what, woman? Hey, a girl has to do what she has to do to get help. LOL!!!!!
When are you coming visit? Have you decided on a date yet? We are going to have so much fun!!!
I still haven't caught up at myspace or with my e-mails yet; but, I will call you tomorrow so we can chatter like little squirrels!
Love to you and the family!
so cool to see your videos
hey I looked on google earth at your address but can't work out your house,which is it?
and you sound so cute! I love your voice
and you have a totally rocking way of wearing safety gear
*is very envious of tummy shot!*
Thanks for the videos Wendy. They are amazing.
Seeing it all close up makes me shiver.
The most important thing is that you are OK and back with us sweetie.
Wendy-Woo!! Thank you for the videos, even though I agreed with your neighbor and would have been tugging at your safety gear going "GET INSIDE! GET INSIDE!" I would have been the one hiding behind the sofa, occasionally poking my head up like a groundhog to yell "OH, MAN, LOOK AT THAT!"
Did any of the trees come down in your yard or anything get blown away? It looks like there were a lot of trees around.
Video #2 was pretty scary! The trees looked like they were going to take off at any second. I'm just glad we didn't hear from you from say, Montana, where you would have ended up if the wind had got hold of you.
I love your cajun/southern/creole accent, as always! Over the dulcet tones of the New Orleans generators! We used to have major power outages back home where Mum and Dad still live, due to snow. It's not so bad now, but we would be with power sometimes for up to two weeks, and you know, there are only so many card and board games you can play before you start to lose it!
I'm so glad you are alright, and please, please, if another one of these buggers comes through, take the babies and run! We would miss you so much, Miss Wendy!
Sparkle was so excited to know that we heard from you. She said "BAA BAAAAA?! BA BA BAAAAAAAA!"
*Aunt Wendy?! I so HAPPPPYYY!"*
We love you! Take care!
wow wendy! that was pretty intense! glad i didn't have to endure any of that!
loved the accent! god you are very american! don't know what i was expecting! i am so bloody english! crazy isn't it?!
well thanks for sharing and take good care of yourself!
Footage! Woohoo!
Wow 616! What was noisier? The hurricane, or the generators?!?
And what the heck were you doing walking out in the dark!
*frowny face at safety issue*
Although, I must admit it was lovely to hear your lilting, soft accent as you escorted us through the dark. =)
Thanks for showing us what it was like. I hope you're all bolted down for the next big blow!
See ya, sunshine. =)
I'm worried about you!
Pack up your Mom and your animals and come stay with me until after Ike!
Hello Mya, Ergo, MissT, FASC, L and my favorite Possum in the entire world!
Mya: Thank you, my friend! I appreciate the offer so much. I would love to visit you. You know that!
We'll be okay. We may lose power again (our parish officials done said so); but, I am now very experienced with refueling that new generator! I didn't even burn my fingers the last time I changed the oil. I have to change the oil after every 50 hours (running time) on this one.
So far, so good, though! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed and hope that we hang on to power this time!
FASC and Possum: Thank you both, so much, as well! Hehe! Yes, I am quite American, FASC. With a slight European/French and German flavor! T'is a cultural thang down here! ;)
Ohhh.....and a side of Haitian! We can't forget about all that Voodoo!!! *wink again*
I love British accents! I would love to hear yours, one day.
I have a friend who lives in Belgium and I am absolutely in love with her accent! She always asks me if she sounds too "Scottish". I don't think it's possible to sound too "Scottish" or too "British"! (or too Australian, for Ergo!)
I live by the light of the moon, Possum. (Much like your relatives!) Walking around at midnight is nothing new to me. Although, we do usually have street lights! It was a bit scary without them; but, it was the sort of invigorating scary! Don't worry. I was being safe. I always let my doggies out with me. Sandy Ann scares the crap out of people. I don't know why; but, I am glad she does! People seem to think she has pit bull in her. LOL!!!! Yeah, she may have eaten one and it now lives in her tummy. It's her inner pit bull and it's vicious! ;)
L: There were quite a few big branches that fell around here. Some trees were uprooted; but, all in all we were pretty lucky! We were stuck in my neighborhood for a couple of days. My neighborhood is a "hidden" one. It leads to no major roads and we live on a "dead end" street. One of the huge branches from Dr. A's beautiful, old oak fell and blocked that entrance/exit AND half of the J's Oak fell across the only other way in or out! We was stuck! :P
Thanks for watching the videos, everyone! And, thank you for all the concern!!!
I love you ladies!!!!
Hugs and Much Love,
*blows bunches of kisses*
Then come visit me! I free as a bird, remember?
Have a fanbloodytastic time at nightwish sweetie.
Hiya Wendy!!
HAve you seen my little dog toto??
You are one crazy girl standing out in all that hell to film! Good lord!! I actually felt really calm with the first two vids -But the ones after rather freaked me out!! I was waiting for an aerial view any moment!! ;) Youz Crazy Yo!!
(But I do love them suhthan' accents!) ;p
We haven't had a storm like that here in ages! (Cali) But I'd say we are about due! I just hope I've moved by then cuz this little shitshack won't make it!! Ha! So I hear you have graduated to the more solid foods of life?? Well congrats! And Good Job! (And Keep It Up!!) It's so important Wendy! You know it! So keep at it please!
Is everything going a little better over there -or are we still waiting for more aid? I haven't seen or read much of Ike,(you got side-swiped a bit of him yea??) but what I did see -it was pretty damn awful. I hope you guys are all holding up alright. I wish I could do something! I miss you Wendy! You KEEP eatting! And stay safe!
(And kiss Dorthy for me!) Love to you!! <3333 l/d
Thank you Wendy.
I really do adore you!
Just... thank you. Thank you and thank you.
You are so kind it just knocks me out.
Take care hun.
xoxo cupcake
hi wendy!!
how are you doing?
i am briefly around and i wanted to pop in and say hello to you. hope all is well and life is treating you good.
take care of yourself!
Hello 6,
I don't get to talk to you any more so I just wanted to stop by and say hello.
I think 3 hellos aren't enough here are two more.
Later MJ
Hi there 616!
I'm zooming over to your Ike videos.
See you there! =)
hey home girl. glad to hear you survived gustav. we of course were fine; never without power and played host to the lost from gustav and ike. very eerily similar to 3 years ago with katrina and rita.
take care pretty lady and loved the videos.
Hiya Wendy babes, you have a great time at nightwish and tell us all about it.
You could do with some non-weather related fun hahahaha!
Luv ya xxxx
Hiya Wendy!
I only have a minute -I am supposed to be packing...don't tell! ;) But I just wanted to say -I am thinking of you! I miss you girl! I was tryind to email a bunch of lovelies and blog some hellos -but I started with the blog hellos and Shit Two! I have no damn time for anything more! Fucking lame!! I type so slow.... for shame! And I haven't even gotten around to everyone! I think it would take me year! No time!! No time!! So wanted to say -thinkin of you, hope you are eatting! Sounds rather that you are!? Did you say you gained a tiny teeny can't remotely see it bit?? AWESOME!! (if so!) And KEEP WORKING ON IT (if not!)!!! ha!
Love to you Wendy! I hope to catch up better towards the end of next week! Love ya!! kiss, lick (and love from Dave too!) ;p
<333 l/d
Thank you so much Wendy, those words are amazing.
I am so touched by all the tributes from everyone. Thank you for going to the trouble. *huge hug* to you too sweetie.
Hey, sweetie! It was so good to talk to you last night. You are such a wonderful friend and a truly lovely person. We can't wait until February! Neither of us have ever been to Mardi Gras, and it will be great to meet up with you!
What kind of costumes do you wear? You will have to give us all the insider info.
Sparkle says she has her beads ready, so she is good to go. BAAAA!
Love you,
Thank you sweetie, I needed that.
I hope you're well hun.
xoxo cupcake
moi susi enkeli!
LOL Wendy, I think I will have to win the lottery too for a trip to Finland. If I do, I'll meet you in a flash sweetie hahaha!
* waves to Six *
LOL wendy sweetie.
We can be the diabolical twins together. Gotta love a bit of torture hahahaha (evil laugh).
Not sure where I'm gonna head off next. Still waiting for my certificate to come. I shall head off back to the job centre with it and see if they will reconsider funding the longer course. Fingers crossed.
Have I ever told you how sweet you are? Well consider yourself told.
I'm fine sugar, just having one of those days where it all seems to come to a head, you know?
Thank you for looking out for me and for the offer of an ear.
Take care poppet
Wendy! *bear hug*
I miss you at the castle! I did want to say that you are a sweet heart - and your positivity is contagious!
I am happy to hear that everything is peaceful down there again.
Take care of yourself and I hope to see you soon 'in person' :)
You know what I mean! :D
Did you call me or something??
Not that I would admit to liking that, or even missing you, but ya know...
Hello, just in case.
And yea, alright.. I missed you too. ;)
How are ya doing loves!? I hope you are doing better? Eating good, getting rest, all that good stuff!?? Yes?? Right?? Do I have to smack you? >:( You know Dave likes it rough, but I am still on the fence...
I hope you are doing good loves! I miss ya!! Don't forget to take care of yourself alright! Number one priorty! Your body will punish ya if you don't spoil it ya know!! ;) You be Good! And Eat! (Sugar water if you must! Remember!) Hope to catch ya soon Wendy love!! Kiss ya! <333 l/d
Hello MissT, F.l.y, Dave (and Lewis), GS, Cupcake, Martha, L, Miranth, P (my homegirl), Possum ~ the unsalted, Lewis (in case she doesn't get the message from Dave), FASC, Mya and mystery guests!
How are you all? Thank you, so much, for dropping in!
My apologies for being such a horrible hostess lately. :/
I really need to check my own houses more often!
Dave: I did call! For you and Lewis! I miss you both and I shall sending an e-mail soon. I hope the move went well and I love you (and Lewis) too!!!!!
Miranth: I am so NOT contagious ~ anymore! ;)
The doctor said that my current medication should reduce the risk of spreading the infection, tremendously! ;)
^for anyone who may be wondering, that WAS a joke!^
GS: I think you are sweet too! I hope you're feeling better/a little less broken. I have crazy glue if you need some! Comes in handy for a quick fix!
I hope you all have a great weekend. Have fun, be careful and stay safe!
Hugs and Much Love,
I think you're next post should be about those black panties!
I don't recall anything about any black panties! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
The green, by the way, had to do with my wall paint colour. Miss T kept telling me to do it yellow. I totally greened by blog in response, but it was giving me a headache so I changed most of it back to the original black.
"I wonder what happens when we "grow up". Is it the desire that lessens or are we simply less inspired? Are some of us less willing to work for what we truly desire? Perhaps we find the price too high? Hmmm...."
I'm glad you stopped by my place. Your questions are good ones.
I think sometimes the desires are less. As you grow up, you are able to attain more on your own. I also think that we get lazy and complacent (even afraid of change).
Good questions for me to dwell on and try and figure out where I'm at.
I hope you are well. I liked your explanations of wolves not mating with vampires. It made me chuckle.
LOL wendy.
No pic as yet cos bird is a bit poopy at the mo and I don't wanna put my head in there and get shat on hahaha!
Hey Wendy! I hope you are feeling better today! You did call the dentist, didn't you...You are going to blow away in the wind if you don't! Sparkle and Twinkle will be forced to come there and take you theirselves.
*wonders what the dentist would say when one yellow lambkins and one white lambkins wearing pretty purple beads come through the door dragging Aunt Wendy behind them, yelling "BAAA! BAA BA BAA BAAA BAAAA BAAAAAAAAAA BAA!"
Would be interesting, to say the least!
Really, I hope you are feeling better, and we will talk to you soon! Oh, we sent you a package out Saturday, so you should get it soon. Thank you so much for our t-shirt goodies!
Love you!
I got you covered, RW.
Well, thank god for that! If I'm black pantyless, I need to be covered by something!
I luvs me some frilly dainties! ^_^
you sick
AH HA HA!! I love you Wendy! Just thought I should mention that once more!! ;p Hope you are doing better? Hey, where's my email?? Unless, did Dave eat it? Fucking camels... The move sucked! Royally. And we are nowhere near unpacked. But thank you grandly for the thought loves! I do appreciate it! What is that phrase?? Slow and steady wins the race! (And eat's out of a cardboard fuckin box!!)
Love ya! Behave you!! Hope to catch you soon, kiss
<333 -d/l
Hey, Wendy-Woo! How are you doing? Better, I hope? You have so many great shows coming up, I am envious! I just saw the bottom of your main page and your sweet tribute to your fallen friends. One day, you will see them again, under much better circumstances. How are the families doing?
Sparkle, Twinkle, and all the fur babies say "HI AUNT WENDY!" Course, it's in all of their own languge, so it's "Baa Meow Twitch Nose (bunnies are pretty quiet)Baa Meow Blurb (from P.F.F) Twitch Nose, BAA BAA!!
Love ya,
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