Can I have the dog now? PLEASE? Don't make me beg! I just might bite the hand that feeds me. *wink*
"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
What a beautiful sky, 616!
What a shame it is the last.
How have you been doing, sweetie?
Sorry I keep missing you at M's. I've been scurrying around at peoples homes a bit lately.
Oh, and nuh-uh to mixing antibiotics with alcohol. I found this on steadyhealth.com, on medical myths and truths:
Truth - Alcohol may increase the excretion rate or slow down the rate drugs are broken down.
Don't make me come and lock up your booze cupboard young lady!
I hope your Mum is feeling better, too. =)
See ya.
Hi hon.
I'm so sorry. It took me a moment to realise you had posted just above me at M's.
That is a terrible tragedy! I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. There must be so many friends and families devastated by this one tragic event.
Love to you,sweetie,
and hugs.
Hello there, 616.
I'm so sorry about what happened to your friends. What a terrible accident. I'll be sending good thoughts to them and their family. I'm really sorry.
Hello 616,
I am extremely sorry about your friend and their frieds in the boating accident. It is a shame and something that needent of happened.
My friend died whilst out on his boat, it can be so much fun yet very dangerous.
Again, i am very sorry and i hope that the families are all ok.
Hiya Wendy love,
I wanted to email you privately, but you email doesn't like me today. I wanted to say how sorry I am for your friends. That is so incredible and horrible. I am so sorry. There isn't anything to say to make you feel better, but I try to believe they are in a better place now. And dispite what the doctors are saying, I will still hold out hope that your friend makes it through. That is so, theres really no word for the severity of this. Again, I am so sorry Wendy. If you need anything, even to yell. Please mail me. Love to you, always. -l/d
Oh, honey, I hope you are ok. I just read your comment from this morning at Mayo's. Like you said, you never know when it will be the last day. My heart goes out to their families and friends. Call us if you need to, ok? We love you sweetie.
Because you never know,
Hey there sweetheart. What a tragedy. I'm so sorry about your friends. This just brings home, harder than ever, the fact that you DON'T know when, where, or how. Sending you all the hugs and kisses I can. Keep your memories alive, for your friends will live there past eternity.
Yes, please call us if you need us. No matter when, or why.
Love you so much, honey. Please take care. And again, I'm so very sorry.
Wendy, I am so so sorry to hear about your friends.
It all remind us how delicate life is.
I am thinking about you and I am thinking about those people's families.
I hope they manage to find the last one so the'r family can have the funeral.
So so sad.
Luv you sweetie.
hey wendy!
such terrible news to hear! i can't imagine how you are dealing with it. just know my thoughts are with you. i feel so sad for you and for the families of your friends.
take care wendy.
Hey 6,
I'm sorry to hear about your friend and their friends. It's difficult to make sense of something that seems so senseless. Too much loss, too early in life. I can't wrap my brain around it at all.
Just know that we are all thinking of you.
To live in hearts we leave behind
Is not to die.
THOMAS CAMPBELL, Hallowed Ground
I'm so sorry.
Anytime, Wendy. J. and I both are keeping everyone in prayers. I left you a message on your cell tonight, hope you got it.
We love you, and please give our condolences to the families. Was Stanley the one that was your close friend?
Call us anytime you need to, ok?
L. (and J.)
This is 'Shine On' by Jet. I hope it gives some comfort to you. Believe it or not, this song is in my will to be played at the funeral. The lyrics are just beautiful.
Please Don't Cry
You Know I'm Leaving Here Tonight
Before I Go I Want You To Know That There Will Always Be A Light
And If The Moon Had To Runaway
And All The Stars Didn't Wanna Play
Don't Waste The Sun On A Rainy Day
The Wind Will Soon Blow It All Away
So Many Times I'd Planned
To Be Much More Than Who I Am
And If I Let You Down I Will Follow You 'round Until You Understand
That If The Moon Had To Runaway
And All The Stars Didn't Wanna Play
Don't Waste The Sun On A Rainy Day
The Wind Will Soon Blow It All Away
When The Days All Seem The Same
Don't Feel The Cold Or Wind Or Rain
Everything Will Be Okay
We Will Meet Again One Day
I Will Shine On, For Everyone
So Please Don't Cry
Although I Leave You Here This Night
Where Ever I May Go How Far I Don't Know
But I Will Always Be Your Light
That If The Moon Had To Runaway
And All The Stars Didn't Wanna Play
Don't Waste The Sun On A Rainy Day
The Wind Will Soon Blow It All Away
When The Days All Seem The Same
Don't Feel The Cold Or Wind Or Rain
Everything Will Be Okay
We Will Meet Again One Day
I Will Shine On, For Everyone
When The Days All Seem The Same
Don't Feel The Cold Or Wind Or Rain
Everything Will Be Okay
We Will Meet Again One Day
I Will Shine On, For Everyone
Hiya Wendy. How are you holding up sweetie?
Thanks for the update. I'm glad they found the last body. At least they can have some closure. I know it wasn't the result they were hoping for but it's better than him being missing.
I hope you are bearing up sweetie. If you need to talk, just get in touch.
Luv you xxxxx
Hey, 616. :)
Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your words.
Still sending good thoughts to your friend who is still in the hospital, and to the family members of those whom you lost.
I hope you're doing okay, or as okay as you can given the situation.
See you around.
hi wendy!
just wanted to pop by and see how you are doing?
i am away for 4 days so i will hopefully catch up when i get back.
my thoughts really are with you!
take care.
Thank you, so much, everyone. I don't think words can express how much your thoughfulness and concern mean to me. THANK YOU!
*group hug*
We (the community) have said our goodbyes to all five of them now - for now. Their families are holding on the best they can. Holding on to memories, to photographs, to each other, to friends, to faith...
Most of us know the process. One minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Sometimes, just getting out of bed in the morning is a triumph. But, we do what we have to do and the human spirit is strong. We seem to find the greatest strength exactly when we need it most; but, we could not do that without the support of kind, caring and loving people - without the support of friends.
Thank you all for giving me, and all who knew and cared about these young men, a bit of your strength. I appreciate you all so much!
Brandon is still in a coma - in critical but stable condition. Everyone is still holding onto the hope that he will make it through this. I know all of your positive thoughts are helping him and his family.
Thank you all, again. Please, take care of yourselves and be happy!
Hugs and Love,
Eventually, the smiles and laughter return and we never forget those we have lost.
As Gnothi quoted:
"To live in hearts we leave behind
Is not to die."
Those words are so true.
Hi 616.
Where there is life there is hope. There must be so much good energy willing Brandon to come through this, for his family, and for the other young mens families.
I've just passed through Cuppy's seeing if she had been by. She has. Her Grandad is still in hospital, and she has been spending her days there.
So much sadness lately.
See you later, sunshine. =)
Hiya loves,
so crackers only?? Am I sensing vomit. Oh hell. I have been surrounded by vomit this past week. And I haven't even gone back to work yet... I am sorry about that love! It is most unpleasant! There is this little trick, that when my ma gets sick (she is a diabetic, but it works for anyone dyhrated) works like a charm every time.
Take a teaspoon full of sugar and mix it into a quater cup of water. -ONLY drink a TABLESPOON of that. No more, even if you want too. Then wait a half hour, and have another tablespoon. You have to try this for about two hours. Especially if you can't even keep water down.
Juice, gatoraid, that ever lovely pedialite SHIT -works wonders. But I am thinking -with your last juice endeavors -best to try the fancy pants sugar trick! O.k.? For me yea? Don't try to eat anything until you can keep the sugar water down -for a couple hours. No baby food doesn't sound so damn hot, but Chicken Noodle by Gerber, isn't That bad. You could even try Chicken And Stars soup, by campbels -but again -Only AFTER you go on the sugar water, one tablespoon every Half Hour, for at least Two Hours; before you try to eat something solid. Very important to work at it.
I know right now it may be easy to just ignore food, no matter if you are hungry or not. But your body will give on you loves. You have to keep trying. It Will make you feel better. You mail me when you get a chance. I love ya Wendy, hang in there. kiss ya-l/d
Well dear god Wendy!!
Ah ha ha! Cheese, peanut butter and crackers!?? I think I'M gonna be sick!! Whewza! I give you metaphorical stickers galore for that grand feat!! Didn't think THAT particular one was exactly possible! ;p But very very very happy (and slightly eww-ed!) to hear that you are keeping it all down! I am SO DAMN PROUD of YOU Wendy! Your doing good loves! I am really can't be happier that your keeping it down! Just keep trying! And Very slowly move to more solid foods, lots of fluids if you can! ---But uhh, mind that juice will ya!? Please let me know how things are going loves, as well as they can I imagine -simply going yea? I hope things are starting to feel more normal, more calm soon. Just drop me a line when you can. Again -as narly as your meals sound, I am SO pleased that your having them! Very good job! Please keep trying, you know I am here. I love you Wendy! <333 d/l
Hey, Wendy. Checking in to see how you are doing. I know this must be really hard on you, and we will still send out prayers and wishes for Brandon to recover. There is always a chance, and sometimes you have to hang on to that thought.
Please remember to take care of yourself too, ok? I know you aren't eating much, and you need to keep your strength up. I really enjoyed talking to you the other night, even if the subjects sometimes were difficult for you. Please know that J. and I both are here for you and love you dearly.
Pactum Serva,
Hi wendy!
I'm rushing off to work so this is only quick
I miss you being around and hope you're well
thanks for the comment and drink I've never tasted absynth but might try it one day!
love ya!
How's our crazy angel feeling?
I saw you at Mayo's but I guess I missed you. Just wanted to say hello
I loved the family album
hi wendy!
just popping in to say hi! i've not been at mayo's much of late and keep missing you! hope you are doing alright wendy? take good care and hopefully see you around soon.
Hello Wendy
I have just been catching up and read about the awful tragedy with those poor boys. Its just so sad.
When I was 16 a friend, aged 17, drowned while lobster fishing. His body was not found for 3 weeks and I still remember the hope his mother still held to the very end that he may have been washed up injured on some island or other.
We spent those 3 weeks searching the coastline hoping, yet dreading, to find him. His younger brother found the body in the end. His mother was not allowed to see him. It was a terrible time.
I send all their family and friends my best wishes.
Take good care.
EB37 xxx
Heya loves!
Drop me a line? Let me know how you are doing. Have we progressed from the cheese sandwiches!? Still not feeling so much better? Just take it slow, but keep it up. Theres this cute, slightly odd little saying -but I really like it!
Slow and Steady win's the race!
So just keep going! And let me know, how it goes. And I too -do greatly love your stories, quotes and anticdotes! Something I love so much about BB! All the random wisedom, in such convenient amounts each day! So thank you for that, lick you Wendy! Love you, and please drop a line. Be good. loves -d/l
Hi Lewis, Martha, FASC, ElizaB. and crazy angel anon (hmmm....)!
Thank you all for stopping by! I shall visit you all soon. Except for Lewis (who I must stalk by e-mail) and crazy angel anon (since I have no idea whom you are)! ;)
I have progressed, Lewis. Mashed or boiled potatoes and macaroni and cheese have been re-added to my diet. With all this "white" food, I'll be back over 100 pounds by Saturday! I must be in tip top shape to see QUEESNSRYCHE (again)!!!!!
Much love to you all and thanks again!
Hugs and Love,
Hiya Wendy sweetie.
I will be online tomorrow but not over the weekend so i am taking the opportuntiy now to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for saturday (I hope I got the day right).
I hope you have a great time (don't get too drunk). Enjoy the gig.
Luv you xxxxxx
Uhh, hey. Are you calling me a camel...? I swear I have no humph. Well, I have two -but not to in the middle of my back! ;p You are getting me back for neglecting to mention our lick affaif aren't you Wendy loves?? Well, fine.
(uhh, and Miss T, but she agreed it is better to share!) ;p
So glad to hear you have progressed to the more thickening foods loves!! Hurray! And now I am hungry!! I am really glad to hear this. It is so important. And whaaaat -when exactly is your bday!? How insane -so many lovelies all at once! What a HELL of a month this must have been (so many times over!)! Kinda naughty exciting! Whew!! ;p You just be careful at that gig. Not as much fun, but not so much booze yea?? More water. Lots of water. And do eat before you go. Something more heavy. So it stays with you. And isn't their of bitch of a front coming you're way?? PLEASE be very very cafeful! I don't know why the makers are pickin on you guys so much, but we are rather roasting over here -we could use a little hurricane to moisten US up!! -Have you noticed, much of what I say tonight is so damn dirty?? wow. cool.
You take it slow and easy Wendy! And very very proud of you for progessing so well! Totally impressed by that!! Just keep it up and be careful not to overdo it (at the most awesome sounding gig as well!) Drop me a line, love you!! -l/d
oh -p.s. I LOVE camels. I have one, staring at me now. His name is Dave. Just in case you wanted to say hi...
ah ha ha! Wow! And with that AFFAIF -I say GOODNIGHT!! ha!! ;p
Hi there, Birthday Girl!
Happy Birthday, sweetie!
I hope you're having a super day, and that Gustav isn't doing his best to mess it up.
By the way, there's something for you over at Big M's. ;)
Have a great one.
Love to you,
Take care of yourself and your family. Gustav is going to be a bad storm.
p. Lafayette, LA
Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!;)
Happy Birthday and get the hell out of there. You can be safe and also have a bitchin party some where else.
Wishing you the very happiest of birthdays, full of love, fun and laughter.
Sending you safe vibes.
Batten down the hatches!!
Hi Gnothi, Martha, Possum, Lewis, P-anon (in Layfayette) and MissT!
Thank you all so much - for everything - the birthday wishes, stay safes, and loving orders!!!!
Martha: The traffic out there, on Louzianna's highways, is NUTS! I would much rather stay right where I am and deal with whatever I may have to deal with, here, than fight that contraflow, crazy, bumper to bumper, stand still traffic. But, I do appreciate your (and others) caring enough to tell me to get the hell out. :D *humongous hug*
P-anon: I hope you and your family stay safe, high and dry as well!! I know Rita gave ya'll a hell of time three years ago. You be careful too, okay!
Lewis: In case you hadn't noticed, I have progressed to HURRICANES!!! Okay, so it's not actually FOOD; but, they are very high in calories! ;)
*waves to Dave the Camel and blows kisses*
MissT: I luvs you too!!!!
Possum: I think I saw your brother (possibly a cousin) in my yard earlier! He has a great tail! ;)
Thanks again, everyone. I shall keep you all informed. I'm still hoping Gustav does as Ergo suggested and blows himself (out)!
Hugs and Much Love,
Gnothi: The hatches are battened. Well, most of them are. I shall get to the remaining hatches tomorrow!
Thanks Gnothi!!!
Thanks Wendy!!!Hugs to you home girl.
Lafayette did okay for Rita; Cameron and Lake Charles got hammered. We were right in the middle of Katrina and Rita;
We are boarded up, picked up, gazzed up, supplies on hand and we are going to sit tight for a while.
Oh and I am impressed so far with the New Orleans evac. So much more organized than the 3 years ago.
Take care and i look to hear you around blogbelieve;)
Wendy! take so much care! i am thinking of you and worrying about you!
hope you will be OK?
please check in as soon as you get chance!!
Well, o.k. then Stubborn Wendy. (and now we can add P to that list!) You guys be fucking careful -and if you both get all blowed away I am gonna be just pissed as hell with you both.
-Love and safety to you (both!) -And like Far said, when it has all gone quiet and when you are capable, check in again. crossing fingers, loves
Hi Hon.
I was wondering whether if it is just you there, on your own, or if your mum is with you?
If she is, please stay safe the two of you.
Will keep thinking positive thoughts, and looking forward to hearing from you when you are clear and able.
just watching the news in england now. i hope things aren't as bad as predicted. they say it's not but i bet it feels like it!!
take care wendy!
You take care Wendy. We are all worried about you sweetie.
Hey there!
How'd weathering the storm go? RW linked us to a pretty good article because we were pretty much in the dark. Looks like there are just some minor worries?
Stay safe and let us know how you are when you can!
Nope. No sign of 616 passing through yet.
*patiently resumes zen-like waiting position*
*iz getting pins and needles*
*to be soon followed by the 'OMG my legs are being poked by porcipines and they won't stand straight' episode*
*subtly alters legs from Zenlike position*
*balances on head and resumes patient waiting*
*hears there are power outages in Looooeeeezzeeeanna*
*collapses out of headstand*
*massive headrush!*
I'm fairly sure you would be with everyone if you could, since today is the one year thing at M's. Being super positive that you would have posted something appropriately pertinent to the occasion over there, I'll bring a bit of it to your home instead.
Happy One Year wishes for you, and thank you for the all the sunshine and shared enlightenments you bring everymorning. Even when life hasn't been treating you well you have pushed it aside and continued to share your kindness with us all. Thank you for being part of Mayo's and part of our lives. =)
Hope you are doing okay and that your generator is running smoothly.
have just heard via miranth at mayos that you are fine!! stuff to sort out but you and your pets are fine. so that is wonderful!
when the power is back on it'll be great to see you around again!
love to you wendy!
p.s we were all so worried! even mayo came in to his own blog to ask after you! yep! you iz honoured my friend!!
The best news I have heard in a long time. So glad you are safe.
Take care and keep strong. We'll see you on the other side.
Peace x
It's Alive!!!! IT would, of course, be me! :P
Hello Lewis, FASC, Possum, MissT,
Mustard, Gnothi, J, L, MyA and Miranth!
Thank you all so, so, soooooooo much for your concern, thoughts, prayers, vibes, wishes, check ins and check ups.....everything! I appreciate it, and each of you, so very much. *humongous hugs*
I am doing okay. I'm still without power (running this thing off my generator - hoping generator does not make big BOOM soon)! That would be just my luck. Survive another hurricane and then blow myself and my house up because I was going through internet withdrawal. (Well, actually, it's more like friends - whom I can only reach over the internet = withdrawal!)
I have been trying to keep J, L and Miranth updated so they can keep the rest of you updated. (Thanks so much for calling ladies!!!)
Like I told Miranth; I'm fine, my family is back home and they are fine, my fur babies are fine, my turtles are cranky - but fine, my house is fine and my yard is a big mess. We were very lucky, once again (thank goodness and you know who). Well, except for the whole power situation. Apparently, we should have power/electricty working again by sometime next year! That's if we are lucky! ;)
Where I live, we are still at 82 percent powerless (electricity wise). It's hot, sticky, pitch black at night and basically miserable.
There are many, many people in Louisiana who are 100 times worse off than I am. People in Houma, Grand Isle, St. Charles Parish and many other places have no water, food or tarps to keep the elements out of their damaged homes. FEMA and the Red Cross are running out of these items - at the appointed distribution sites - quickly. These people need serious help. So, if any of you could get the word out for them, it would be most appreciated.
It seems the national media all left the state once they realized that New Orleans was not going to be under 5 to 15 feet of water again. But, that does not change the fact that many people here are still suffering and struggling. Gustav actually did more damage to more areas than Katrina did!
Where I live, we are still at 82 percent powerless (electricity wise). It's hot, sticky and basically miserable! I was attacked by red ants while picking up some branches in my yard and I did burn three of my fingers while changing the oil in my generator; but, I (and more importantly - my family) am alive and (basically) well.
I hope you are all well and I love and miss you all!!!!
Thanks again, my friends! I shall be making a quick stop at Mayo's to post some of this info. I just wanted to give you all some extra special love, hugs and kisses! I hope to be back soon!!!!
Hugs and Love and Kisses,
PS: Happy Belated Anniversay to you all!!!! I hope you're all well, safe, cool, dry, have electicity and not in any danger of going BOOM anytime soon!
Here's the State of Louisiana website where you can find info:
State of LA official website
Also, the Red Cross is asking for more help. You can visit their website at:
The American Red Cross Hurricane Relief
Thanks again, everyone! Be well and be safe!!!!
Much Love,
Hello 6,
I am so glad to see that you alright. I'll keep it short you have a lot on your mind with out me going on and on.
Love MJ
(and I am gonna beat you're ass for staying there! Ya Crazy!)
Anyway, THANK YOU for risking a vast explosion to ease our minds! Probably shouldn't do that again! You're alive, we are happy, don't risk it again! Wait for power! ..So, we'll see you sometime next year when they get that all sorted! ;p Hope it's sooner than expected, the would be damn nice! Fingers crossed for ya loves.
P.S! Keep working on food. O.k? Don't slack on that, just do your best to keep it up. (Or rather -down!) Loves-des
So happy to see you.
So sad that the media only search for the big sensational stuff and then move on to the next big thing.
Please say you were jesting about the power restoration!
And like Lewis said, please try to remember to eat, and build up your strength again.
Thinking of you.
And please forgive us, but do we have to say 'eat' because, being you with your generous heart, you will be running around after everyone, helping wherever you can!
Taking care of yourself is not being selfish and thoughtless.
*stops shaking finger at 616, and hugs instead*
Dave wants a kiss, certainly. He's just a moody little bitch sometimes. Well, really.. he's a deeply emotional, intensely feeling camel. So few understand him. Sad. But he does love you madly, and he does cherish you're kisses -even when he says he doesn't...
ah ha ha! So I will properly check in with you later tonight, I am at work and I am gonna get a time out soon.. Crap! But I am so glad that you are at least alive!
SHE'S ALIVE!!!! (Did you hear that lightning Gene? Spooky..)
I love you Wendy, and I'm glad you found a way to reach us all and reassure us! I am so fucking sorry that our counrty is so shit at caring for it's our people. The media, a powerful and stupid remote control. Wow. I hope help comes sooner, I wish I could do more. I hate this feeling. But I am gonna pass the need (and ya links) on to all my home buddies -and see if it will pay forward! Glad you are alive love, stay that way!! Kiss ya doggies for me (and Dave) -loves -des
It's Our People I Say!
ha ha ha, o.k. going, really!
Love you! Fingers crossed!
*runs in with kisses for Lewis and Possum and an extra big, extra special kiss for Dave - right on the lips!*
Hello Lewis and Possum!!!!
I'm checkin' in on my check ins. ;)
Thank you ladies, so much, for the continued concern and support. Dave too!!!
I'm hanging in there! I is hotter than hell; but, I did get to cool off a bit last night thanks to those local bars I mentioned and a couple of Ice Teas - Long Island Style! And, I got to do some DANCING!!! I do love to dance.
I did have a heck of a time driving my bicycle home! ;P
It is still pitch black out here at night. I drove right into my hedges! Well, it was a relatively soft (albeit scratchy) landing!
Possum: I was sort of kidding about the electricity. It won't be next year - I hope! My parish officials have assured me that will have electricity by Tuesday. Wednesday at the latest. Yeah, I won't hold my breath!
Apparently, the tarps are also on the way. We can't blame the Federal Government for that one. Damn local officials should have had those tarps waiting in the warehouse here; but, noooo. They forgot to ask FEMA to send them just as they didn't request nearly enough Entergy trucks and workers to be stationed in this area! Pfft! There arses are fired! ;)
As for my eating, ummm....no. I would have (almost) killed for pizza a couple of days ago; but, I am back to never wanting to see food again. It's too damn hot, for me, to even think about eating.
I have decided to brave the temps of my garage and turn on that gas stove to do some cooking for the neighbors this morning. Yes, I'm sure I will enjoy the 200 degree heat! :P
I do have some box/floor fans running off my generator and they do help! But, I miss my AC!!!!!
Well, look at all this complaining I'm doing. I'm sorry! I know I am one of the very lucky ones. My family members are all safe and only a few tiles blew off the roof. The back patio cover is hanging down a bit; but, I shall fix that soon.
I think I'll go take a nice cold shower before I start my cooking. I can take more than a 3 minute shower now since our sewage is now functioning properly. See, there IS a silver lining!
Thank you, Lewis and Possum and Dave! I love and appreciate each of you!!!!!
I hope you're both well and I hope ya'll are having a great weekend!!!
*kisses Dave one more time*
Hugs and Much Love,
PS: I love ya, Lewis!!!!! You know I can't sign off without telling you that!
*runs back in to blow more kisses*
And our dogs, cats, birds, bunnies and turtles!!!!
:D and ;)
September 8th - early morning update:
Spent some of the day cooking (on gas stove) in my garage. I now know what the temperature in must hell be like! Spent the rest of the day cleaning up more of my yard mess. Have two blisters from raking and was attacked by more red ants.
I am exhausted, drained, spent and in pain. I can barely hold my cigarette up to take a good, deep, long drag.... Other than that, I'm good! :P
Martha: I'm so sorry I missed you earlier!!! I hope you know I love you too! Thank you so much for checking up on me!
I'm going to slither off to bed now....
Goodnight Martha, Lewis, Possum, everyone who stopped in! Thank you all!
Hugs and Much Love,
sorry i've not been around before. i had guests staying this weekend and so have not been online.
so glad you are OK and hopefully things will begin to get back to normal soon.
I can barely hold my cigarette up to take a good, deep, long drag....
hahaha! but i bet you are managing to, yes?!
see you later.
take care and *hugs*!!
Hiya Wendy.
I'm sooooooooooooooooo glad you have power back.
We've all missed you while you've been gone.
Luv ya xxxxx
Hi FASC and MissT!!!!! I has power now and I is sooooooo happy!
I know what ya'll are thinking. Yes, I do and NO! I have NOT been out celebrating the current electrical current situation at all. NOPE, not me!
*has fingers crossed behind her back*
Thank you, ladies ~ all of you ~ for your care, concern, love, support and friendship!
Much love to all of you.
Much appreciation for your friendship!
Hugs and Love,
I (and Crabby, but emotional and loyal Dave) LOVE YOU TOO!
And PLEASE try to eat something! Are ya nutz girl?? EAT!! EAT!! Even one of those nasty ass so damned unappealing so called 'energy' bars. You had some melting/saved didn't ya? Try those yea? Or the cheese?? We were doing good with the cheese Wendy! You can do it! Start small -work up! But ya gotta try! Eat something, well, I guess you don't have much of anything eh? Fuckity.
No melon, or easy light stuffs? O.k. -go back to the energy bars. And when you're power comes back to ya (hopefully sooner than never! Or Wednesday!) you start to try again with the little food. Crackers, when it's hot out --bleck. I get you, the heat makes you feel sick and nothing but cooling down will bring back the appetite. But you do need to try remember? We don't to faint again.....unless there are those lovely uniformed men walking around. Then I would say ----wait, wait...wait.... NOW!! ;p
But do try to eat a little something. Just a litte. You are upsetting Dave. (You know how sensative he is Wendy. He's a grown camel. He doesn't appreciate women that make him cry...) ;p
Thank ya for the update -but a little better with the food effort yea? I know it is difficult, but when ya body gives ---it will be Slightly More Difficult! (Unless, again -you have handsome aid..then screw the food! Get a hottie!) I wish there was more help there now, but it is slowly coming yea? I mean, I fucking hope so! So give what food ya can, another go yea? Just a little tiny itty bitty one. You'll hardly notice.. until you have more energy and feel ten times better! (Unless ya puke and then well, wait a little while and try something else! And LOTS of WATER with that fancy tea and dancing too! Ya hear! ;)
You take care of yourself, and ya critters. And EAT! I love you Wendy! kiss ya, des
Oh and Dave wanted me to add "BIG MELONS."
I don't know why he snarked when he said that... dirty camel.
Hi there.
I'm so pleased you finally have power back on. And I knew you'd be helping others. You're a beautiful person inside and out. =)
Now, next time I see you I want to read you've been able to have more than one shakey drag on a cigarette. =)
Shoot. My exclamation key has gone on holiday. Argh. Not surprising really. There's the remnants of half a cup of the gremlins moccha cappucino sitting inside it at the moment. Courtesy of that darn cat and it's propensity to climb all over the computer desk. >_<
And now it is just being difficult. >_<
I hope Ike doesn't cause too much further havoc for you, your family and friends. It's a crazy season.
Hang in there kiddo.
Hello Lewis and Possum! Come in and sit a spell ~ I have AC now and it is heavenly! :D
*smacks Dave (lovingly) for staring at my melons*
I love you, Dave and Lewis!!!!
Those melty energy bars went in the trash, Lewis. I never, ever want to see an energy bar again. I do still have a few honey granola bars left. I like those! I will save them for when my tummy has cooled off and settled down enough to handle the roughage!
Tell Dave not to worry too much and I'm sorry for making a grown camel cry (Men, that's another story!).
*gives Dave a big cheese flavored smooch - right on the lips*
I am back to eating my cheese and crackers!!! I'm sure, since I now have my AC, I'll be back to more substantial sustenance soon! :P
Possum: I'm so sorry you are now exclamationless!!!!!!! (I used a few extra there for you *wink)
I'm sure you have not noticed; but, the exclamation mark is my personal favorite punctuation symbol. It's just so darn cute!!!! If it were a man, I would marry it! If it were food, I would eat it! If it were you or Lewis, I would LICK it! :D
*still has not fully recovered from enhaling all those gas fumes ~ obviously*
Thank you both (and the camel), so much, for stopping by! *humongous hugs*
I'm doing much, much better and all of your thoughts and well wishes helped tremendously!!!!
Hugs and Much Love,
PS: Lewis said...
(Unless, again -you have handsome aid..then screw the food! Get a hottie!)
But Lewis, I don't wanna screw the food. I wanna screw the HOTTIE!!!!
PS: Possum ~ My smoking hand and my enhaling method are working at 100 percent now!!!!!
*takes nice, deep, long, relaxing drag*
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