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"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
Wendy, give me a little time...I am writing you an email, but you know how I am with 'typed words'. ;) It may take me some time. I apologize, its just the way I am.
I am thinking about you. Please know this...
take care.
I'll be in touch soon.
That's okay, Anima. Take all the time need. I hope you found my apology at Mayo's. I really did behave terribly that morning and I am sorry. But, when someone accused me of using emotional manipultion for simply remembering my brother (on a day that would have been special to him) well... that just got on my last nerve.
Like I said there are no more appropriate words I can say other than what I have said. I was wrong. There is no excuse for my hehavior, I won't try to come up with some lame excuse.
Again, I was wrong to lash out the way I did and I am sorry.
I hope you hear from you soon!
I do love the new art. The Mardi Gras pic is my favorite, I think. Oh, and that little piece called "Psycho"? Brilliant. ;)
Honestly, I love all your 'digitalart'. Multicolored anything makes me feel good.
I wonder: why is it, when one of "us" grows so angry that we explode at Mayo's, that we're called 'psycho' instead of just angry? I also wonder: what do they call it when THEY feel that way?
I don't know, J. I honestly don't know!
All I do know is that I've very happy most people don't feel that way.
Apparently, calling people psychos, worthless, nothings and such is not namecalling and it's not rude behavior. Who knew?
I admitted I was wrong. I said there was NO excuse for my bad behavior. I'm not trying to come up with ANY EXCUSES.
No: I was having a bad day. No: my dog is sick, I'm stressed, my car broke down, the pipes in the garage burst, they were mean and rude to me first, they offended my patriotic and my spiritual side...
NONE of that would be a good enough excuse. I was wrong. Plain and simple. My behaviour was atrocious.
What does one have to do these days? Write that in blood?
I am grateful for the people who do know an apology when they see it.
I am very grateful for the ones who do see the double standards and are willing to speak up.
I'm also very grateful for you and L and your friendship!
Thank you, as always, for the love and support (and for realizing human beings DO make mistakes and behave badly on occasion).
Hugs and Much Love,
If anyone missed it, here is the apology to EVERYONE who was HURT of OFFENDED by my words:
Hello! Before the booing and hissing starts, I would just like to say that I returned for one reason and one reason only ~ To apologize to anyone I may have hurt and/or offended.
I won’t make any excuses for my atrocious behavior. There is no good excuse. I was wrong.
I have said many times that I don’t agree with the namecalling and rude behavior and I don’t. It isn’t right when you/she/he/them do/does. It isn’t right when I do it.
I would also like to apologize to the people I made feel uncomfortable. Once again, I am sorry.
I admitted just a few days ago all the things I could be: a bitch, hypocrite, sinner, fighter, lover and so on.
I don’t think anyone can question those first 3 three now!
For the people here who were and are understanding and forgiving, thank you. I’ll still be here for you, just not “here”.
I wish you all the best in life. I do mean all!
Hi, Wendy!
Thanks for letting me know about your new art! I love it!
As far as "that place" goes... Like I told you, it isn't worth it. There is nothing for you there. Your friends will keep in touch. We already do!
I totally agree with Anonymous up there! Well, the last 2 paragraphs anyway.
And for anyone who thinks I've been any of the anons since my departure: My friends have informed me that you still throw my name around. I find that so hilarious! I left that place and haven't looked back!
But, go ahead and think that I'm the only one who disagrees with any of you or speaks up, if that makes you happy. You couldn't be any farther from reality.
Thank you Mya and anon. I don't understand the hypocrisy either; but, what can we do?
If we speak up, if we dare get angry enough about it all to see RED, we're psychos! HELL YEAH!!!
Once again, my behavior was atrocious and I should have handled myself differently. Well, I never claimed I was perfect. I never claimed I was less than human.
I do screw up. I do make mistakes. I have said things in the heat of anger that hurt people and for that I am truly sorry.
But, I can't force anyone to accept an apology or even acknowledge it. All I can do is offer one and not make any excuses for my own bad behavior. Then, go about my merry way (and allow the whole experience to teach me yet another lesson and inspire me!)!
Thanks, again, Mya, J, Anon! I do appreciate the understanding and words of support.
*huge hugs*
and Love,
But, go ahead and think that I'm the only one who disagrees with any of you or speaks up, if that makes you happy. You couldn't be any farther from reality.
February 13, 2009 12:23 PM
PS: I hear you, Mya!
This is for you, and all the ones who have felt bullied, harrassed, ignored, belitted, mocked (laughed AT), pushed aside and made to feel like nothing:
Tell Lauren to buy the new CD!!!
Hiya Sugarplum! I must say I am digging those lovely digital art, especially the valentine and mardi gras one.
I have said this so many times already, but I do hope that I keep my plans in coming down to visit New Orleans, probably sometime after final exams, which is in May. I have relatives going to Hawaii this summer, but I am not planning on staying home, so hopefully Orleans will be someplace I can visit.
You are such a skinny thing, it makes me ashamed to have a fat ass ;D
I can donate some of that butt fat if you'd like, lol! I hope to talk to you soon. I've had replied to your email you sent earlier, but most of tonight I've spend my time watching my Machine Head dvd googling Mr. Lust Bunny. He has such a lovely smile, I swear.
I had also found out the other day that the band were on the verge of breaking up when they were touring Europe a couple of months ago. It was kinda devastating, as I was hoping they don't turn out to be like what Metallica had almost done during recording St. Anger.
Apparently, HIM is going to start working on a new album soon from what I read. Yay! A lot of my bands are releasing albums this year, it's hard to decide!
I have already decided what I want for my first tattoo, and I have already starting thinking about my second tattoo, which would be a message written in callligraphy tattooed around my wrist, hopefully. We shall see.
I wish you a happy goodnight and sweet dreams to you and your niece :D
*blows kisses*
Wendy Woo!
Hey, how are you doing? Feels like forever since I talked to you. This Whatever We Have Had knocked both J. and me down for a while. Still not up to speed, but getting better. "Martian Death Flu" we tagged it!
Sorry I haven't got an e-mail back to you, but I plan to get caught up on a few things soon. I did make a new post at my blog that you might like, since it has to do with wolves!
Take care, and love you! Say hi to your niece, and the fur babies send there love!
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