Friday, May 17, 2013

Two chapters end, two new (bigger and better) chapters begin...

CONGRATULATIONS to my two (god)children
 (they certainly were and are heaven sent)
on their 2013 graduations!
My niece, Bre,  who  graduated from Spring Hill College  (in Alabama) on May 4, 2013  and my nephew, Jude,  who graduated from 8th grade ~ at an undisclosed  school,  somewhere in southeast Louisiana ~  on May 15, 2013.
Both graduated with honors.
I'm so proud of them!

Soon, they'll both start the next phase/chapter of their lives.
Bre will begin her (true) adult life and her teaching career ~ at an undisclosed school, somewhere in southeast Louisiana ~ in August;  and Jude will begin his high school experience and his ascent into young manhood.

Bold new adventures await them both. 
Bright days and sunny skies.
New friends, opportunities and  (self)discoveries.

Untested waters and stormy seas.
Battened hatches, broken rudders and windless sails.
But, they have been given the  materials and the tools they'll need to make it through any storms they encounter.

They have anchors to steady them.
Faith to steer  them.
(Moral) compass to guide them.
Confidence to propel them.
Hope to warm them.
Love to secure them.

They have been given a solid foundation to build upon.

I have no doubt they will both build well and wisely!

I love you Bre and Jude!!!

Much Love and Hugs,
(aka: 6/Wendy/TalaWenZee)

1 comment:

MissTottenham said...

Great pics sweetie xxx