Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Once Upon a Time

by: Wendy M. Z.

Once upon a time
I said to a friend
"It's okay to mourn
the loss of a dream."

It's okay to weep
for what's unrealized,

I was asked
"What happens when
your dream is achieved?"

I said
"That's easy to answer.
You simply dream
another dream."

Once upon a time,
It was easy to see
your thoughts and ideas
my dreams and ideals.

The vision of heaven
and nightmares of hell.
To hear the singing of angels
and the tolling of bells.

Once upon a time
I thought that I knew
of happy endings
for me and for you.

"It's okay to mourn
the loss of a dream."

© WMZ ~ August 2011


MissTottenham said...

Hiya sweetie, thanks so much for your lovely words about Dot.

She was a wonderful woman and I'll miss her loads.

Your words brought a tear to my eye but in a good way.

Love and hugs xxxx

PP said...

I never know which blog to visit lol.

Someone bit you? 3 times? Whyyyyyy?

The Soundgarden video you posted was really good. He is sounding really strong and clear but with the sensitivity still there. SG will be co-headlining our Big Day Out concert early next year. Might be worth a ticket. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Wen Wolf. Like the one above I never know what blog to comment on. U have so many baskets all filled to the brim. It was great seeing U &spending time with U again. I wish U a merry season.