Wednesday, June 23, 2010


by: Wendy M. Z. (me)

I want to touch every line
know every curve
explore all crevasses
embrace every word.

climb every mountain
scale every wall
ascend through the darkness
savor every fall.

taste every color
smell every sound
bleed all the nightmares
purge every frown.

touch every thought
ride every storm
feel each expression
know every form.

dance every dream
live every story
smile away the pain
weep every glory.

I want to satisfy every craving
know every truth
I crave that knowledge
~the knowledge of you.


June 2010


elena said...

Great poem, Wendy. I really like it.

Amyranth said...

Not to devalue the actual poem itself, but all I could think of was:



Martha Smith-Jones said...


I liked it. Not to get back to my on going drama.

Original Punk J said...

Another fine piece of work, as always. :)

ergoproxy said...

very good, thanks for sharing!

Original Punk L said...

Very nice, Wendy!

I especially loved the lines

dance every dream
live every story
smile away the pain
weep every glory.


MissTottenham said...

That's great Wendy. Wish I had such a way with words.

Welshie said...

Hello Wendy:)

I remember a while ago you very kindly wished my sister well during her treatment for breast cancer. I just thought you'd like to know that she's recently been given the all clear:)

Hope you're well.
Take care.

Anon616 said...

Hello ladies (and ghost visitors)!!! Thank you, all, for the comments and/or for reading/visiting!

Welshie: That is wonderful news about your sister! Please give her a HUGE "cancer free" HUG for me!!!

I know a huge weight of worry has been lifted from your shoulders as well.

Now, you and your sister get out there and ENJOY LIFE!!!!! Celebrate each day! (I'm sure neither of you need to be told to do that; but, a little reminder can't hurt).


Elena, Amy, Martha, Ergo, Jen, Lisa, MissT: Thank you for the comments!!!

Amy: I don't think your OM NOM NOM devalued my poem at all. In fact, I think that was a great compliment. You sensed my 'hunger' and it made you a little hungry too! YAY!


Lisa: Awwww.... thank you!!!

MissT: I think you have a lovely way with words and I miss reading you on a frequent basis.

Again, thanks everyone!!!

Hugs and Much Love,