September 1, 2008 ~ Somewhere in Southeast Louisiana
These were too large to upload to blogger; but, they are good!
(Well, I've been told they are good.)
Hurricane Gustav Video #1
Sept. 1, 2008 ~ approx. 6:30 a.m.
Video shot from my front porch:
You may hear my neighbor's voice in this one. He was trying to convince me to go inside before I got knocked on my arse or a tree fell and knocked the power lines down.
I listen so well!
Hurricane Gustav Video #2
More from my front porch. Listen to the sounds of the wind:
Hurricane Gustav Video #3
View of my backyard. Sorry, radio is playing and Tinker Belle sneezed!
Hurricane Gustav Video #4
More from the front porch:
Hurricane Gustav Video #5
Brought to you from my side yard (formerly my big veggie garden area).
Must start working on new gazebo soon.
View of more pines, oaks, rain and rooftops:
Hurricane Gustav Video #6 and #7
Darkness falls ~ for an entire week.
Post Hurricane Gustav
My neighborhood at night for one week.
Narrated by yours truly, me:
^How's that for a southern/cajun/creole/coonass accent?^
*waves to WWL Newscaster Juan Kincaid*
Great chatting with you at the gas station on Highway 51, Mr. Kincaid.
Thanks for the compliment on my pink hat.
Keep smiling that beautiful smile!!!
Your videographer: