under purple skies!
(My day version of A STARRY NIGHT)
"And I know where I belong ~
right and wrong ~
so shine on me and light this endless dark ~
shine on me and tame my burning heart"
from the song "Endless Dark" by HIM
*the brightest/darkest shade, the final piece, the last drop, is for you*
~ me/WMZ
Wow! That is beautiful! You are so talented!
Amazing. :)
The painting is beautiful, Wendy! Thank you so much for putting that up. I saved too, so I hope you don't mind.
I hope you are feeling better today, and NO MORE GRAPEFRUIT! I just discovered, to my painful dismay, that tuna fish, wheat and possibly nuts set off trigger points and put me in a LOT of pain. Today is a little better. Maybe one day...
Please take care of yourself, sweetie. I love you dearly.
WOW! That is just beautiful Wendy! Makes me feel all safe and warm! Just like home! :)
And JESUS! Death by grapefruit!?? My god! I was wondering where the hell you'd got off to! Don't let that happen again! Grapefruit! Scary! Had no idea fruit could be so dangerous! I think I shall stick to the ordinary every day ones from here on out! I am VERY pleased that you are alright! I missed ya grand! And Again -Be more careful with ya self!! I am just shook up with that one! Fucking murderous grapefruit! Good god!! -Well I am happy you are nearly-well with you! I will cross my fingers that everything evens out and no one accidentally poison's you again! Love to you Wendy! -And again! -Be safe! loves -d/l!
♥ ♥ ♥
hey wendy!!
lovely picture....you clever so n so!
just read about your clash with the grapefruit!! (figuratively speaking!!) goodness me!
so i hope you are feeling alot better and all your test results come back ok?! how very scary!
take care wendy!
hi wendy!!
thanks for popping in!
please go and get checked out (re the kidneys)....you are worrying me!
i can't believe that all that badness can happen through mixing medication with grapefruit!!
bet you're wishing you did loads of really bad and illegal things now to end up with tests on your liver and kidneys!!
OK maybe not?!
anyway will hopefully have you back to your old self VERY soon!
take care wendy. i have missed you!
Hi there sunshine.
Did I read right at PJ's?
I've missed your birthday?
OMGoodness! I'm so sorry.
And you're always so good with your birthday greetings for everyone else! #>_<#
This isn't a very birthdayish song, but I saw it had two of your favourites in it =)
So...Happy Late Birthday, 616!
And if it wasn't your birthday, Happy Early Birthday! =)
Oh dear Wendy, you can't share?? You must not have gone to preschool! Tisk! tisk! I shall have to put you straight down on a time out for that one! The nerve!
And uhh. Did I miss your birthday? Is there room on your naughty chair for me too?? :( I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I wish I could link you something neat! Dammed my inferno lack of linkability! grrr.
Glad to hear you are (er? Slightly??) doing better! Best to get it all checked out, but don't panic! Never Panic! (It will just mess up your hair!)
I still think your painting is lovely -you should do more! More More more! Lots of color! Go for it!
Ohhh. New Orleans! :( I would die to venture there! I do promise to 'call' ya WHEN I ever touch down there! I can just imagine... I swear officer. It was SUCH and Accident. And she didn't really mean what she said about you're mother. Really. O_O Just a misunderstanding.... You only live once yea!? I say you're really not living until you've at least made bail! rawr! ;p
I've been kind of sick over the past few days, so I haven't done much! Just trying to spread the love an all! (You see, I WENT TO PRESCHOOL!) ;p it's never to late! Count to a hundred!
I am off to slaughter the Evil Bitch Grapefruits (and their nasty cousin Vodka!) ;p right this moment! ARG!!! Love to you Wendy dear! -Stay alive! loves!l/d <33333
Oops! Sorry!
Ahh ha ha! <3333
OMG, you are amazing Wendy. Wow, I am gobsmacked.
Thanks for your comment at my place. You can mess up my lawn anytime.
OK, now that sounded kinda rude didn't it?
Luv, hugs and big wet sloppy ones.
hi over here Wendy I love your pictures, especially the shells,it's just so nice to be able to create things
Wendy, that painting is very beautiful. you are talented :)
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