Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Once Upon a Time

by: Wendy M. Z.

Once upon a time
I said to a friend
"It's okay to mourn
the loss of a dream."

It's okay to weep
for what's unrealized,

I was asked
"What happens when
your dream is achieved?"

I said
"That's easy to answer.
You simply dream
another dream."

Once upon a time,
It was easy to see
your thoughts and ideas
my dreams and ideals.

The vision of heaven
and nightmares of hell.
To hear the singing of angels
and the tolling of bells.

Once upon a time
I thought that I knew
of happy endings
for me and for you.

"It's okay to mourn
the loss of a dream."

© WMZ ~ August 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011


By: Wendy M. Z.


Now it’s here

now it’s not.

Was it there

was it forgot?

Where did it go

if forgotten so?

Was it real

to touch and feel?

Did it breathe?

Did it think?

Did it need?

Did it drink?

Did it thirst?

Did it hunger?

Did it grow?

Did it slumber?

Was it heard?

Was it felt?

Was it wanted?

Was it smelt?

Was it nourished?

Was it seen?

Was it real

or just a dream?

It was there.

Now it’s not.

It was lost

not forgot.

©WMZ 2011